Monday, February 28, 2011

Turkish Dishes: Leek with Olive Oil

Starting the week off with my wife's favorite dish! She can eat all servings in one meal.

Leek with olive oil

What you will need:
4 leeks, sliced into 1-inch thick
2 carrots, sliced
1/2 cup of rinsed rice
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 cup olive oil
1 mid-sized chopped onion
1 table =spoon tomato paste
1 cup of hot water

How to cook:
Before starting , make sure to wash the leek and carrots well.

First, toss the chopped onion into the hot pot with olive oil. Wait until onion pieces turn pinkish. You can then add the sliced carrots. Cook for five minutes before adding the cut leeks with rice. After 5 minutes,you can add hot water into the mixture. Leave the mixture to cook until rice gets softened. It will take 15 minutes in medium heat.

Serve hot.

Afiyet Olsun!


  1. I love this dish! I've eaten it at a local Turkish restaurant, but had no idea it was so easy to make -- thank you!

  2. glad you liked it - it is just too good and healthy too. once a week for this meal is not frequent enough! ;)


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XOXO Turknoys


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