Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It's that time of the year when we adore fathers a little bit more for a particular day. Fathers' Day is  on 17th June. This is the day retail outlets, restaurants and other commercial institutions expect us to spend our money, usually  a hard earned money by the fathers (oh the irony!), on dads. 

And we usually cave in to the commercialism's demands so we are off to celebrate another Fathers' Day in Doha. Don't worry, we'll not spend much. Here are some of the FATHERS' DAY GIFT IDEAS we could consider. Awesome! 

And there are lots of kids activities we could do during this month glorifying the best dad in world. Because of us, HE IS THE MAN! 

Biology didn't just make him a dad by default. He is more than a dad to our kids than other irresponsible sperm donor out there (no bitterness!)  Although he doesn't like kids (yes, the things ongoing on his mind every time we see whining kids in the mall, or messy children ruining our quite meal in a restaurant!), he is very tolerant of his own kids. A very calm father he is sometimes.  He simply wants the best for the family and he nothing in this world could stop him. 

There are two first emotions we have been privileged to see ever since he became a hands on dad.
And in the spirit of father's day, we would tell. These are two emotions he never EVER felt, we suppose. 

THE FIRST TIME HE SHED A TEAR: We hates drama so much and he is a pretty direct guy about. But when he was out with the two kids - two very naughty kids - Kerim accidentally bump his head and he cried so hard. Not that our son, doesn't bump his head but this time, he believed that he almost or did crack his skull. He was extremely worried. So worried really. 

When he got home to tell me, he was speechless at first. And then he stood up, all red and almost teary eyed. I secretly saw a tear of guilt and love  when I followed him to the kitchen. 

I was so touched and comforted him that it would take a lot more bump to crack our son's head and that it's normal for kids to bump their heads - especially our kids. His emotions are just to sincere and so transparent that I know he will remember that moment for a very long time. I know I would - remember how he reacted. 

THE FIRST TIME HE LOST HIS TEMPER. Believe us when we tell you that NEVER did he lose his temper. NEVER! Told you, he is always the calmer one in the family. But there was this incident when we were going to the car and I have lost grip of the kids and they run away and I can't run fast after them being pregnant and huge. He lost it when he saw a car coming from far away and I shouted the kids name. He ran and almost grip them so hard and safely put them inside the car. He was pretty mad at the kids for running off like that. We heard endless nagging about road safety all through out the trip. 

We are pretty new to this at half decade of parenting, and we know that there will be lots of other new emotions coming and flaring at the kids. But so far, our Best Dad in the World is passing with flying colors. 

We are loving our adventure together with this Turk. 


The Turknoy kids all agree who the No. 1 Dad in the World is! 

He's Dad is Number 1 - He's the Man! 

And I do look like my dad! Lucky me, my man, our Number 1!

Now, how are we going to celebrate Fathers' Day? Hmmm.. 

Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there! 

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