Friday, March 2, 2012

Qatar Cinema: The Lorax - Movie Review

For today, the Lorax Movie is a perfect way to spend a windy and dusty Friday afternoon! And a perfect way to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday.

We have been so excited about The Lorax movie for two months now. We have read the book and iPad application again and again and again.... Until the lesson of the book is embedded in our day-to-day thinking. We even reviewed the book again and again.

"Unless someone like you...cares a whole awful lot...nothing is going to get better...
It's not." - The Lorax (Dr. Seuss) 

Apart from story of Aubrey and Ted, the movie really reflects characters from the book, The Lorax. And what lovely characters they are: Swomee-Swans, Brown Bar-ba-loots and Humming Fishes. In the movie, we just can't help but love the Humming Fishes. They do have some tunes. So creative! The Brown Bar-ba-loots are just way too cuddly and cute - just as we have imagined them. The Swomee-Swans are just as adorable. 

Just take a look at this movie clip. Love these book characters. 

What I didn't like the most is the story is the marshmallows which I find so shallow. That rhymes! I don't get it and I don't like it. And there are lots of other comedy stuff not have been overdone it became way too fake and shallow.

As much as the movie captured the book characters,  the story outside The Lorax book is not every well written for me and not fit for kids six years below. It's true though. Boys will not do something stupid twice unless they are trying to impress a girl. Just like Ted tried to get out of town to visit the Once-ler thrice. He was doing it for Aubrey and not because he cares an awful whole lot. Kinda defeats the purpose of the caring for environment if you only are trying to impress a girl.  But I can't think of better way to have the story written which can be as interesting and not as boring. So, giving the movie a thumbs up just the same.

We do  love the cool grandmother a lot! Adults can relate to the humour between her and Ted's mother. Kids not so much!

After Ted got the last seed of the Truffula seed, we were wondering what's next and we were eventually  got bored with the car chase and the ending song. It was not as interesting anymore, just plain dragging.

It was not really a disappointing movie. Simply, it could have been done better.

she was so excited to watch the movie! 

And he was so excited to eat his popcorn during the movie! 

We watched the 3D version of the movie. I think there's not much difference though with 2D. The movie house was not at all crowded since we watched the first full show during the first day!  Watching movie is always a fun day with family. The important thing is we all had fun together. And we did!

Keep exploring!

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