Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Villagio Fire - Beyond Words

The past two days have been really sad and depressing for all residents of Qatar. I still can't find the words to express the sadness, the fear, the regret and all other emotions and thoughts going on our heart and minds.

This incident became to personal for us. It could have been anyone of us and there is still a high probability that might happen again if lessons are not learned, changes not implemented in the country. And that makes it really really scary.

The Villagio Mall fire incident will definitely be a turning point in the lives of many in Qatar. Situations need to be reassessed, priorities re-set, new decisions to be analyzed over and over again.

There is the complete information in Doha News and the video on the official press conference about the incident.

This event will never be forgotten. Our thoughts and prayers are with victims and family of the Villagio fire.

We can only imagine the grief of all the parents and family members of the victims. It is unimaginable that such thing would happen to any family.  May God give us all the courage and wisdom to go on living the once thought of as a "high standard of living" in Qatar. Above all now, we need "peace of mind."

Would we ever have peace of mind  whenever the kids are away from us, parents, in Doha? It will never be the same again here for us, that we know for sure.

It has been almost 48 hours since the Villagio fire and it still hurts like hell to think about. Still unthinkable!

God bless us all.


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