Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today is our daughter's 5th birthday! Seems just like yesterday that I was pregnant with her. She opened up lots of opportunities for me and I am forever grateful for her. Oh boy, God works in so wonderful ways, and in my case, sending me quite an angel in Kylie form! Happy Birthday, Kylie! We love you so much!

Mommy and Kylie at day 3

I am trying to remember some pregnant tales worth blogging - but all I can think of is " I was working!"  I even worked hours before I got into labor - for both pregnancies.

I suppose, I am really blessed with easy pregnancies and demanding jobs at the same time. Thanks be to God.

In Kylie's case, I remember talking to her so nicely while I was being induced to please come out naturally, since C-section operation will cost me way too much. She listened and was out after less than one hour of pushing. In Kerim's case, well, he got so big that I had to have the operation. It felt like normal  delivery - contrary to what I was told, recovery from a C-section was a breeze! Seriously. So, we might have CS again for the third, if ever. ;)

As for today's celebration, we had a very simple one. Kylie is becoming too much a princess that we had to teach her simplicity in celebrating. When we were at the airport the other day, from Istanbul to Doha, she ranted how she hated "public transportation" because we are waiting too much. I remember when I was her age - all I could think of is to ride an airplane someday.

I have written this blog couple of years ago and reminded me the purpose of parenthood. I hope I will always be reminded:

I strongly believe that parents have really tremendous responsibilities to society to provide the best upbringing to their children. In most instances, the character is formed at home. It is a challenge to all parents to provide concrete example of integrity and honour among other values to children at a very age.

This is why I stand firm on my belief that those people who does not have good character should not be allowed to raise their own children.  It’s either they do drastic changes in their lives  as what Easy Eddie did OR society should be allowed to take away the children from them and give to people who has character but in one reason or another, do not have kids. With that, we can stop the ‘dirty’ blood in our society.  (Or would be easier to ask those bastards to line up and kill them all to completely prevent them from having children at all – there you go, vanishing humanity as well! – what am I thinking!)

Seriously, yes, I believe, it is all in the upbringing! This is why I am so scared for my baby! Even I am a work in progress (aren’t we all are?). I just hope and pray that with my properly-guided intention and my determination would be enough for me to provide her a good example of living life with honour and integrity! (Oh my, this is huge statement, man!)

So help me, God.

     Next to God, thy parents.
      - William Penn

Well, back to preggy tales galore and in my case, back to my fat fat days:
pregnancy 1 - with my Fitness First trainer (in her defense, I stopped working out after finding out I was pregnant)
pregnancy 2 - our family ready for Kerim!

Live.Love.Fail.. Succeed.

Linking this here:

mommy moments

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