
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Exploring Doha: Barwa Village

It has a been a crazy week! There are lots of lessons to be learned with all the things that happened around me, the feedback I have received, the extent of friendships I have seen. Pheeww!

I managed, however to surround myself with lots of positive energy around kids. Since the gigantic ads in the newspapers and billboards direct us to the newly opened mall in Doha, at Barwa Village!

You're Favorite 
Centrepoint     Shoeexpress
Kerim already excited to go in to burn some energy!
Let's go Mommy - those where really steep escalators.

It was less than ten minutes away from home (traffic not included) so out of curiosity with the media hype, off we "explore" Barwa Village.

We were in and out in less than ten minutes. How could I have forgotten, I was in Doha - I fell for the ads again. well, there are lots of clothes, clothes and more clothes to window shop; just not our thing! The kids were cranky and whiny - I suppose they were looking for the play area! Every mall should have a play area, a village should have a play ground for kids! Driving was extremely challenging with with the lack of U-turns and two whiny kids at the back. Ugghh. So much for Exploring Doha!

Good old McDonalds at the airport road to the rescue. They had the play area - we had our mommy time!

Burp! And off to play again!

So if you are looking for a real quite place to shop, go to the Centrepoint, Barwa Village! And please do not bring the kids just yet. Nothing to see there yet. Nowhere to dine in; nothing to do. 

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. looks nice place there:) very sweet pictures!!

  2. Newest follower :) Found your blog on Bloggy Moms!

  3. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm already a follower. I loved looking at all of your pics today. It's so great seeing other parts of the world! Have a great weekend,

  4. That looks like a really fun McD's. Glad you found one to save you from their whining.


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XOXO Turknoys