Gnocchi is a sort-of-pasta made out of potato! It's a very straight forward cooking activity that kids would definitely adore every step.
So here is how we enjoyed the gnocchi making at Carluccio's one fine Saturday morning!
Step 1: Eat breakfast! Well, the kids were supposedly cooking breakfast for us - but they need to nourish themselves first, right? Besides nobody should cook with their stomach empty. Bad for the cook, bad for whoever will eat the food - simply because, nothing might be left to eat! So here goes our little chef eating his breakfast at Carluccios.
Step 2: Prepare the utensils (bowl), ingredients (pre-cooked potato mash, flour and egg) and cute-chef materials (see that chef hat with little drawings on them - they made them as pre-cooking activity! Releases the stress of away from cooking.
Step 3: Knead the potato mix! Mash away, babies! This activity is great for kids to learn texture through sense of touch. Gotta love the multi-sensory things going on here for kids development. For sure, my kids will be going to be successful - thanks cooking classes!
Step 4: Time to do some more serious kneading of the potatoes - until the kids are complaining, which might take more than thirty minutes so for sure, there's some homogenous mixture and good quiet time for breakfast for parents. Weeee!
Step 5: Remove the mixture from the bowl. And then knead the mixture some more!
Step 6: Time to cut and roll! For my pre-schooler, we were discussing the concept of "long and short" during this fun activity. For my key stage 1 student, we were discussing the concept of "fractions - quarters, 1/10 and so on." It is really fun taking the classroom out of loop when learning!
And then we sing - rolling, rolling, rolling!... la la la
Step 7: Bond with the Chef while cutting the rolls!
Step 8: The gnocchi is now ready for the desired sauces! Pose with the proud dad!
Step 9: Now toss with your favorite sauce - tomato, cream or pesto! Serve immediately.
Step 9: Enjoy eating!
Step 10: Reward the kids for completing the lesson - pose with Chef with Certificate of Completion!
We should do this activity again! If not at home, Carluccios is really a very homey place to make kids appreciate Italian food - eating and cooking alike.
Keep exploring!